ctorch.h Source File

Source Code

#ifndef C_TORCH_H
#define C_TORCH_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXPORT_C extern "C"
#define EXPORT_C

#include <stdint.h>

// =============================================================================
// --- Typedefs
// =============================================================================

// Opaque pointer type alias for torch::jit::script::Module class
typedef void *torch_jit_script_module_t;

// Opaque pointer type alias for at::Tensor
typedef void *torch_tensor_t;

// Opaque pointer type alias for integer scalars
typedef void *torch_int_t;

// Opaque pointer type alias for float scalars
typedef void *torch_float_t;

// Data types
typedef enum {
} torch_data_t;

// Device types
// NOTE: Defined in main CMakeLists and passed via preprocessor
typedef enum {
  torch_kXPU = GPU_DEVICE_XPU,
  torch_kMPS = GPU_DEVICE_MPS,
} torch_device_t;

// =============================================================================
// --- Functions for constructing tensors
// =============================================================================

 * Function to generate an empty Torch Tensor
 * @param number of dimensions of the Tensor
 * @param shape of the Tensor
 * @param data type of the elements of the Tensor
 * @param device type used (cpu, CUDA, etc.)
 * @param device index for the CUDA case
 * @param whether gradient is required
EXPORT_C torch_tensor_t torch_empty(int ndim, const int64_t *shape, torch_data_t dtype,
                                    torch_device_t device_type, int device_index,
                                    const bool requires_grad);

 * Function to generate a Torch Tensor of zeros
 * @param number of dimensions of the Tensor
 * @param shape of the Tensor
 * @param data type of the elements of the Tensor
 * @param device type used (cpu, CUDA, etc.)
 * @param device index for the CUDA case
 * @param whether gradient is required
EXPORT_C torch_tensor_t torch_zeros(int ndim, const int64_t *shape, torch_data_t dtype,
                                    torch_device_t device_type, int device_index,
                                    const bool requires_grad);

 * Function to generate a Torch Tensor of ones
 * @param number of dimensions of the Tensor
 * @param shape of the Tensor
 * @param data type of the elements of the Tensor
 * @param device type used (cpu, CUDA, etc.)
 * @param device index for the CUDA case
 * @param whether gradient is required
EXPORT_C torch_tensor_t torch_ones(int ndim, const int64_t *shape, torch_data_t dtype,
                                   torch_device_t device_type, int device_index,
                                   const bool requires_grad);

 * Function to create a Torch Tensor from memory location given extra
 * information
 * @param pointer to the Tensor in memory
 * @param number of dimensions of the Tensor
 * @param shape of the Tensor
 * @param strides to take through data
 * @param data type of the elements of the Tensor
 * @param device type used (cpu, CUDA, etc.)
 * @param device index for the CUDA case
 * @param whether gradient is required
 * @return Torch Tensor interpretation of the data pointed at
EXPORT_C torch_tensor_t torch_from_blob(void *data, int ndim, const int64_t *shape,
                                        const int64_t *strides, torch_data_t dtype,
                                        torch_device_t device_type, int device_index,
                                        const bool requires_grad);

// =============================================================================
// --- Functions for interrogating tensors
// =============================================================================

 * Function to print out a Torch Tensor
 * @param Torch Tensor to print
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_print(const torch_tensor_t tensor);

 * Function to determine the rank of a Torch Tensor
 * @param Torch Tensor to determine the rank of
 * @return rank of the Torch Tensor
EXPORT_C int torch_tensor_get_rank(const torch_tensor_t tensor);

 * Function to determine the sizes (shape) of a Torch Tensor
 * @param Torch Tensor to determine the rank of
 * @return pointer to the sizes array of the Torch Tensor
#ifdef UNIX
EXPORT_C const long int *torch_tensor_get_sizes(const torch_tensor_t tensor);
EXPORT_C const long long int *torch_tensor_get_sizes(const torch_tensor_t tensor);

 * Function to determine the data type of a Torch Tensor
 * @param Torch Tensor to determine the data type of
 * @return data type of the Torch Tensor represented as an enum
EXPORT_C torch_data_t torch_tensor_get_dtype(const torch_tensor_t tensor);

 * Function to determine the device type of a Torch Tensor
 * @param Torch Tensor to determine the device type of
 * @return device type of the Torch Tensor represented as an enum
EXPORT_C torch_device_t torch_tensor_get_device_type(const torch_tensor_t tensor);

 * Function to determine the device index of a Torch Tensor
 * @param Torch Tensor to determine the device index of
 * @return device index of the Torch Tensor
EXPORT_C int torch_tensor_get_device_index(const torch_tensor_t tensor);

 * Function to determine whether a Torch Tensor requires the autograd module
 * @param Torch Tensor to interrogate
 * @return whether the Torch Tensor requires autograd
EXPORT_C bool torch_tensor_requires_grad(const torch_tensor_t tensor);

// =============================================================================
// --- Functions for deallocating tensors
// =============================================================================

 * Function to delete a Torch Tensor to clean up
 * @param Torch Tensor to delete
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_delete(torch_tensor_t tensor);

// =============================================================================
// --- Operator overloads acting on tensors
// =============================================================================

 * Overloads the assignment operator for Torch Tensor
 * @param output Tensor
 * @param input Tensor
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_assign(torch_tensor_t output, const torch_tensor_t input);

 * Overloads the addition operator for two Torch Tensors
 * @param sum of the Tensors
 * @param first Tensor to be added
 * @param second Tensor to be added
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_add(torch_tensor_t, const torch_tensor_t tensor1,
                               const torch_tensor_t tensor2);

 * Overloads the minus operator for a single Torch Tensor
 * @param the negative Tensor
 * @param Tensor to take the negative of
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_negative(torch_tensor_t output, const torch_tensor_t tensor);

 * Overloads the subtraction operator for two Torch Tensors
 * @param output Tensor
 * @param first Tensor to be subtracted
 * @param second Tensor to be subtracted
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_subtract(torch_tensor_t output, const torch_tensor_t tensor1,
                                    const torch_tensor_t tensor2);

 * Overloads the multiplication operator for two Torch Tensors
 * @param output Tensor
 * @param first Tensor to be multiplied
 * @param second Tensor to be multiplied
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_multiply(torch_tensor_t output, const torch_tensor_t tensor1,
                                    const torch_tensor_t tensor2);

 * Overloads the division operator for two Torch Tensors.
 * @param output Tensor
 * @param first Tensor to be divided
 * @param second Tensor to be divided
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_divide(torch_tensor_t output, const torch_tensor_t tensor1,
                                  const torch_tensor_t tensor2);

 * Overloads the exponentiation operator for a Torch Tensor and an integer exponent
 * @param output Tensor
 * @param Tensor to take the power of
 * @param integer exponent
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_power_int(torch_tensor_t output, const torch_tensor_t tensor,
                                     const torch_int_t exponent);

 * Overloads the exponentiation operator for a Torch Tensor and a floating point
 * exponent
 * @param output Tensor
 * @param Tensor to take the power of
 * @param floating point exponent
EXPORT_C void torch_tensor_power_float(torch_tensor_t output,
                                       const torch_tensor_t tensor,
                                       const torch_float_t exponent);

// =============================================================================
// --- Torch model API
// =============================================================================

 * Function to load in a Torch model from a TorchScript file and store in a
 * Torch Module
 * @param filename where TorchScript description of model is stored
 * @param device type used (cpu, CUDA, etc.)
 * @param device index for the CUDA case
 * @param whether gradient is required
 * @param whether model is being trained
 * @return Torch Module loaded in from file
EXPORT_C torch_jit_script_module_t torch_jit_load(const char *filename,
                                                  const torch_device_t device_type,
                                                  const int device_index,
                                                  const bool requires_grad,
                                                  const bool is_training);

 * Function to run the `forward` method of a Torch Module
 * @param Torch Module containing the model
 * @param vector of Torch Tensors as inputs to the model
 * @param number of input Tensors in the input vector
 * @param vector of Torch Tensors as outputs from running the model
 * @param number of output Tensors in the output vector
 * @param whether gradient is required
EXPORT_C void torch_jit_module_forward(const torch_jit_script_module_t module,
                                       const torch_tensor_t *inputs, const int nin,
                                       torch_tensor_t *outputs, const int nout,
                                       const bool requires_grad);

 * Function to delete a Torch Module to clean up
 * @param Torch Module to delete
EXPORT_C void torch_jit_module_delete(torch_jit_script_module_t module);

#endif /* C_TORCH_H*/