ftorch_test_utils.f90 Source File

Source Code

!| Utils module for FTorch containing assertions for testing
!  * License
!    FTorch is released under an MIT license.
!    See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch/blob/main/LICENSE)
!    file for details.

module ftorch_test_utils

  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real32, real64

  implicit none


  interface assert_isclose
    module procedure assert_isclose_real32
    module procedure assert_isclose_real64
  end interface

  interface assert_allclose
    module procedure assert_allclose_real32_1d
    module procedure assert_allclose_real32_2d
    module procedure assert_allclose_real32_3d
    module procedure assert_allclose_real64_1d
    module procedure assert_allclose_real64_2d
    module procedure assert_allclose_real64_3d
  end interface


    !> Print the result of a test to the terminal
    subroutine test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name  !! Name of the test being run
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: message    !! Message to print
      logical, intent(in) :: test_pass           !! Result of the assertion

      character(len=15) :: report

      if (test_pass) then
        report = char(27)//'[32m'//'PASSED'//char(27)//'[0m'
        report = char(27)//'[31m'//'FAILED'//char(27)//'[0m'
      end if
      write(*, '(A, " :: [", A, "] ", A)') report, trim(test_name), trim(message)
    end subroutine test_print

    !> Asserts that two real32 values coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_isclose_real32(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                      !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real32), intent(in) :: got             !! The value to be tested
      real(kind=real32), intent(in) :: expect          !! The expected value
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), optional :: rtol  !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                  !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real32) :: rtol_value
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      test_pass = (abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))

      if (print_result_value) then
        write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
        call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
      end if

    end function assert_isclose_real32

    !> Asserts that two real64 values coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_isclose_real64(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                      !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real64), intent(in) :: got             !! The value to be tested
      real(kind=real64), intent(in) :: expect          !! The expected value
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), optional :: rtol  !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                  !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real64) :: rtol_value
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      test_pass = (abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))

      if (print_result_value) then
        write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
        call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
      end if

    end function assert_isclose_real64

    !> Asserts that two real32-valued 1D arrays coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_allclose_real32_1d(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                                             !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), dimension(:) :: got     !! The array of values to be tested
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), dimension(:) :: expect  !! The array of expected values
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), optional :: rtol                         !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                                         !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real32) :: rtol_value
      integer :: shape_error
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1.0e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      ! Check the shapes of the arrays match
      shape_error = maxval(abs(shape(got) - shape(expect)))
      test_pass = (shape_error == 0)

      if (test_pass) then
        test_pass = all(abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))
        if (print_result_value) then
          write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
          call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
        end if
      else if (print_result_value) then
        call test_print(test_name, "Arrays have mismatching shapes.", test_pass)

    end function assert_allclose_real32_1d

    !> Asserts that two real32-valued 2D arrays coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_allclose_real32_2d(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                                             !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: got     !! The array of values to be tested
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: expect  !! The array of expected values
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), optional :: rtol                         !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                                         !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real32) :: rtol_value
      integer :: shape_error
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1.0e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      ! Check the shapes of the arrays match
      shape_error = maxval(abs(shape(got) - shape(expect)))
      test_pass = (shape_error == 0)

      if (test_pass) then
        test_pass = all(abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))
        if (print_result_value) then
          write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
          call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
        end if
      else if (print_result_value) then
        call test_print(test_name, "Arrays have mismatching shapes.", test_pass)

    end function assert_allclose_real32_2d

    !> Asserts that two real32-valued 3D arrays coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_allclose_real32_3d(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                                             !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: got     !! The array of values to be tested
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: expect  !! The array of expected values
      real(kind=real32), intent(in), optional :: rtol                         !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                                         !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real32) :: rtol_value
      integer :: shape_error
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1.0e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      ! Check the shapes of the arrays match
      shape_error = maxval(abs(shape(got) - shape(expect)))
      test_pass = (shape_error == 0)

      if (test_pass) then
        test_pass = all(abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))
        if (print_result_value) then
          write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
          call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
        end if
      else if (print_result_value) then
        call test_print(test_name, "Arrays have mismatching shapes.", test_pass)

    end function assert_allclose_real32_3d

    !> Asserts that two real64-valued 1D arrays coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_allclose_real64_1d(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                                             !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: got     !! The array of values to be tested
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: expect  !! The array of expected values
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), optional :: rtol                         !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                                         !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real64) :: rtol_value
      integer :: shape_error
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1.0e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      ! Check the shapes of the arrays match
      shape_error = maxval(abs(shape(got) - shape(expect)))
      test_pass = (shape_error == 0)

      if (test_pass) then
        test_pass = all(abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))
        if (print_result_value) then
          write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
          call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
        end if
      else if (print_result_value) then
        call test_print(test_name, "Arrays have mismatching shapes.", test_pass)

    end function assert_allclose_real64_1d

    !> Asserts that two real64-valued 2D arrays coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_allclose_real64_2d(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                                             !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: got     !! The array of values to be tested
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: expect  !! The array of expected values
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), optional :: rtol                         !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                                         !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real64) :: rtol_value
      integer :: shape_error
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1.0e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      ! Check the shapes of the arrays match
      shape_error = maxval(abs(shape(got) - shape(expect)))
      test_pass = (shape_error == 0)

      if (test_pass) then
        test_pass = all(abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))
        if (print_result_value) then
          write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
          call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
        end if
      else if (print_result_value) then
        call test_print(test_name, "Arrays have mismatching shapes.", test_pass)

    end function assert_allclose_real64_2d

    !> Asserts that two real64-valued 3D arrays coincide to a given relative tolerance
    function assert_allclose_real64_3d(got, expect, test_name, rtol, print_result) result(test_pass)

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: test_name                                             !! Name of the test being run
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: got     !! The array of values to be tested
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: expect  !! The array of expected values
      real(kind=real64), intent(in), optional :: rtol                         !! Optional relative tolerance (defaults to 1e-5)
      logical, intent(in), optional :: print_result                                         !! Optionally print test result to screen (defaults to .true.)

      logical :: test_pass  !! Did the assertion pass?

      character(len=80) :: message

      real(kind=real64) :: rtol_value
      integer :: shape_error
      logical :: print_result_value

      if (.not. present(rtol)) then
        rtol_value = 1.0e-5
        rtol_value = rtol
      end if

      if (.not. present(print_result)) then
        print_result_value = .true.
        print_result_value = print_result
      end if

      ! Check the shapes of the arrays match
      shape_error = maxval(abs(shape(got) - shape(expect)))
      test_pass = (shape_error == 0)

      if (test_pass) then
        test_pass = all(abs(got - expect) <= rtol_value * abs(expect))
        if (print_result_value) then
          write(message,'("relative tolerance = ", E11.4)') rtol_value
          call test_print(test_name, message, test_pass)
        end if
      else if (print_result_value) then
        call test_print(test_name, "Arrays have mismatching shapes.", test_pass)

    end function assert_allclose_real64_3d

end module ftorch_test_utils