ICCS Summer school 2023
Over the ML sessions at the summer school we have learnt about:
See review of Kashinath et al. (2021)
Image by Earth Lab
Line plot image from Bi et al. (2023)
Global image from NVIDIA FourCastNet
How should we prepare our training data?
Image by NASA
There is a wide variety of ways to structure a Neural Net.
What is the most appropriate for our application.
What are potentiall pitfalls - don’t go in blind with an ML hammer!
Case study of Ukkonen (2022) for emulating radiative transfer:
Many ML applications in climate science are more complex than other classical applications.
Your NN is perfectly happy to have ‘negative rain’.
How easy is it to redeploy a ML model? - exactly what has it learned?
Replacing physics-based components of larger models (emulation or data-driven) requires care.
Mathematical Bridge by cmglee used under CC BY-SA 3.0
Ideally need to:
xkcd #1987 by Randall Munroe, used under CC BY-NC 2.5
Ftorch and TF-lib
Ftorch and TF-lib
Ftorch and TF-lib
Ftorch and TF-lib
Neccessary imports:
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int64_t, c_float, c_char, &
c_null_char, c_ptr, c_loc
use ftorch
Loading a pytorch model:
Tensor creation from Fortran arrays:
! Fortran variables
real, dimension(:,:), target :: SST, model_output
! C/Torch variables
integer(c_int), parameter :: dims_T = 2
integer(c_int64_t) :: shape_T(dims_T)
integer(c_int), parameter :: n_inputs = 1
type(torch_tensor), dimension(n_inputs), target :: model_inputs
type(torch_tensor) :: model_output_T
shape_T = shape(SST)
model_inputs(1) = torch_tensor_from_blob(c_loc(SST), dims_T, shape_T &
torch_kFloat64, torch_kCPU)
model_output = torch_tensor_from_blob(c_loc(output), dims_T, shape_T, &
torch_kFloat64, torch_kCPU)
Running the model
Cleaning up:
These slides can be viewed at:
The html and source can be found on GitHub
For more information we can be reached at:
Jack Atkinson
You can also contact the ICCS, make a resource allocation request, or visit us at the Summer School RSE Helpdesk.