Introduction to Machine Learning with PyTorch

ICCS Summer school 2023

Jim Denholm


Jack Atkinson


Part 1: Neural-network basics – and fun applications.

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

  • Generally speaking, most neural networks are fit/trained using SGD (or some variant of it).
  • To understand how one might fit a function with SGD, let’s start with a straight line: \[y=mx+c\]

Fitting a straight line with SGD I

  • Question—when we a differentiate a function, what do we get?
  • Consider:

\[y = mx + c\]

\[\frac{dy}{dx} = m\]

  • \(m\) is certainly \(y\)’s slope, but is there a (perhaps) more fundamental way to view a derivative?

Fitting a straight line with SGD II

  • Answer—a function’s derivative gives a vector which points in the direction of steepest ascent.
  • Consider

\[y = x\]

\[\frac{dy}{dx} = 1\]

  • What is the direction of steepest descent?


Fitting a straight line with SGD III

  • When fitting a function, we are essentially creating a model, \(f\), which describes some data, \(y\).
  • We therefore need a way of measuring how well a model’s predictions match our observations.
  • Consider the data:
\(x_{i}\) \(y_{i}\)
1.0 2.1
2.0 3.9
3.0 6.2
  • We can measure the distance between \(f(x_{i})\) and \(y_{i}\).
  • Normally we might consider the mean-squared error:

\[L_{\text{MSE}} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(y_{i} - f(x_{i})\right)^{2}\]

  • We can differentiate the loss function w.r.t. to each parameter in the the model \(f\).
  • We can use these directions of steepest descent to iteratively ‘nudge’ the parameters in a direction which will reduce the loss.

Fitting a straight line with SGD IV

  • Model:  \(f(x) = mx + c\)

  • Data:  \(\{x_{i}, y_{i}\}\)

  • Loss:  \(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i} - x_{i})^{2}\)

\[ \begin{align} L_{\text{MSE}} &= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i} - f(x_{i}))^{2}\\ &= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i} - mx_{i} + c)^{2} \end{align} \]

  • We can iteratively minimise the loss by stepping the model’s parameters in the direction of steepest descent:

\[m_{n + 1} = -m_{n}\frac{dL}{dm} \cdot l_{r}\]

\[c_{n + 1} = -c_{n}\frac{dL}{dm} \cdot l_{r}\]

  • where \(l_{\text{r}}\) is a small constant known as the learning rate.

Quick recap

To fit a model we need:

  • Some data.
  • A model.
  • A loss function
  • An optimisation procedure (often SGD and other flavours of SGD).

All in all, ’tis quite simple.

What about neural networks?

  • Neural networks are just functions.
  • We can “train”, or “fit”, them as we would any other function:
    • by iteratively nudging parameters to minimise a loss.
  • With neural networks, differentiating the loss function is a bit more complicated
    • but ultimately it’s just the chain rule.
  • We won’t go through any more maths on the matter—learning resources on the topic are in no short supply.1

Fully-connected neural networks

  • The simplest neural networks commonly used are generally called fully-connected nerual nets, dense networks, multi-layer perceptrons, or artifical neural networks (ANNs).
  • We map between the features at consecutive layers through matrix multiplication and the application of some non-linear activation function.

\[a_{l+1} = \sigma \left( W_{l}a_{l} + b_{l} \right)\]

  • For common choices of activation functions, see the PyTorch docs.

Image source: 3Blue1Brown

Uses: Classification and Regression

  • Fully-connected neural networks are often applied to tabular data.
    • i.e. where it makes sense to express the data in table-like object (such as a pandas data frame).
    • The input features and targets are represented as vectors.
  • Neural networks are normally used for one of two things:
    • Classification: assigning a semantic label to something – i.e. is this a dog or cat?
    • Regression: Estimating a continuous quantity – e.g. mass or volume – based on other information.

Python and PyTorch

  • In this workshop-lecture-thing, we will implement some straightforward neural networks in PyTorch, and use them for different classification and regression problems.
  • PyTorch is a deep learning framework that can be used in both Python and C++.
    • I have never met anyone actually training models in C++; I find it a bit weird.
  • See the PyTorch website:



Exercise 1 – classification

Exercise 2 – regression

Part 2: Fun with CNNs

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs): why?

Advantages over simple ANNs:

  • They require far fewer parameters per layer.
    • The forward pass of a conv layer involves running a filter of fixed size over the inputs.
    • The number of parameters per layer does not depend on the input size.
  • They are a much more natural choice of function for image-like data:

Image source: Machine Learning Mastery ::: {.column width=10%}


Convolutional neural networks (CNNs): why?

Some other points:

  • Convolutional layers are translationally invariant:
    • i.e. they don’t care where the “dog” is in the image.
  • Convolutional layers are not rotationally invariant.
    • e.g. a model trained to detect correctly-oriented human faces will likely fail on upside-down images
    • We can address this with data augmentation (explored in exercises).

What is a (1D) convolutional layer?

See the torch.nn.Conv1d docs

2D convolutional layer

  • Same idea as in on dimension, but in two (funnily enough).
  • Everthing else proceeds in the same way as with the 1D case.
  • See the torch.nn.Conv2d docs.
  • As with Linear layers, Conv2d layers also have non-linear activations applied to them.

Typical CNN overview


Exercise 1 – classification

MNIST hand-written digits.

  • In this exercise we’ll train a CNN to classify hand-written digits in the MNIST dataset.
  • See the MNIST database wiki for more details.

Image source:

Exercise 2—regression

Random ellipse problem

  • In this exercise, we’ll train a CNN to estimate the centre \((x_{\text{c}}, y_{\text{c}})\) and the \(x\) and \(y\) radii of an ellipse defined by \[ \frac{(x - x_{\text{c}})^{2}}{r_{x}^{2}} + \frac{(y - y_{\text{c}})^{2}}{r_{y}^{2}} = 1 \]

  • The ellipse, and its background, will have random colours chosen uniformly on \(\left[0,\ 255\right]^{3}\).

  • In short, the model must learn to estimate \(x_{\text{c}}\), \(y_{\text{c}}\), \(r_{x}\) and \(r_{y}\).

Further information


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