Recent API Changes


Recently we made a number of breaking changes to the FTorch API.

We realise that this forms an inconvenience to those of you who are actively using FTorch and is not something we did lightly. These changes were neccessary to improve functionality and we have made them in one go as we move towards a stable API and first release in the very near future. Once the first release is set then the API becomes standardised then changes like this will be avoided. We hope that this is the last time we have such a shift.

The changes allow us to implement two new features:

  1. Multiple output tensors Previously you could pass an array of several input tensors to a Torch model, but only recieve a single output tensor back. Now you can use models that return several output tensors by passing an array of output tensors instead.
  2. Preparation for autograd functionality We hope to make it easier to access the autograd features of PyTorch from within Fortran. To do this we needed to change how data was assigned from a Fortran array to a Torch tensor. This is now done via a subroutine call rather than a function.

Changes and how to update your code

torch_tensors are created using a subroutine call, not a function

Previously you would have created a Torch tensor and assigned some fortran data to it as follows:

real, dimension(5), target :: fortran_data
type(torch_tensor) :: my_tensor
integer :: tensor_layout(1) = [1]

my_tensor = torch_tensor_from_array(fortran_data, tensor_layout, torch_kCPU)

Now a call is made to a subroutine with the tensor as the first argument:

real, dimension(5), target :: fortran_data
type(torch_tensor) :: my_tensor
integer :: tensor_layout(1) = [1]

call torch_tensor_from_array(my_tensor, fortran_data, tensor_layout, torch_kCPU)

module becomes model and loading becomes a subroutine call, not a function

Previously a neural net was referred to as a 'module' and loaded using appropriately named functions and types.

type(torch_module) :: model
model = torch_module_load(args(1))
call torch_module_forward(model, in_tensors, out_tensors)

Following user feedback we now refer to a neural net and its associated types and calls as a 'model'. The process of loading a net is also now a subroutine call for consistency with the tensor creation operations:

type(torch_model) :: model
call torch_model_load(model, '')
call torch_model_forward(model, in_tensors, out_tensors)

n_inputs is no longer required

Previously when you called the forward method on a net you had to specify the number of tensors in the array of inputs:

call torch_model_forward(model, in_tensors, n_inputs, out_tensors)

Now all that is supplied to the forward call is the model, and the arrays of input and output tensors. No need for n_inputs (or n_outputs)!

call torch_model_forward(model, in_tensors, out_tensors)

Outputs now need to be an array of torch_tensors

Previously you passed an array of torch_tensor types as inputs, and a single torch_tensor to the forward method:

type(torch_tensor), dimension(n_inputs) :: input_tensor_array
type(torch_tensor) :: output_tensor
call torch_model_forward(model, input_tensor_array, n_inputs, output_tensor)

Now both the inputs and the outputs need to be an array of torch_tensor types:

type(torch_tensor), dimension(n_inputs)  :: input_tensor_array
type(torch_tensor), dimension(n_outputs) :: output_tensor_array
call torch_model_forward(model, input_tensor_array, output_tensor_array)